Hugh D. Shine to file for re-election in public announcement Tuesday, Dec. 5th in Belton
BELTON – Texas State Rep. Hugh D. Shine (R-Temple) is hosting a public campaign re-election announcement this Tuesday on the square in...

Download a Constitutional election voter guide 2023
Before you head to the polls this fall, be sure to print a copy of Col. Hugh D. Shine's voter guide. Learn about each of the 14 props.

The ongoing debate on Property Tax Relief
Since Returning to the Legislature in 2017, my goal has been to use my legislative seniority and my financial and real estate experience...

A letter to property owners from Rep. Hugh D. Shine
Protesting your property taxes in Bell County, Texas? This guide from Rep. Hugh Shine will help you through the process.

State Troopers association endorses state Rep. Hugh D. Shine for re-election
This week, the Texas Department of Public Safety Officers Association announced that it is endorsing incumbent state Rep. Hugh D. Shine...

Shine: Legislative victories you may have missed
There was a lot of important legislation that was passed into law during the 2021 session of the Texas Legislature. Some of these were...

Hugh Shine ends 87th Legislature with big wins
State Representative Hugh D. Shine led the charge on several important bills in the 87th legislature to better serve Texans.

87th Legislature Major Victories for Texas
As your state representative, I have pledged to serve you as an effective lawmaker and public servant. After many months of hard work, we...

Granny Tax is a false attack
During the session, I supported a bill that would help nursing home operators recover federal dollars through a new program. The bill...

Holiday travel reminder: Move Over or Slow Down
On Thursday, several agencies representing first responders, state troopers, Bell County law enforcement, TxDOT, and tow truck operators...