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Hugh D. Shine to file for re-election in public announcement Tuesday, Dec. 5th in Belton

Texas State Rep Hugh D. Shine to file for re-election in Belton

BELTON – Texas State Rep. Hugh D. Shine (R-Temple) is hosting a public campaign re-election announcement this Tuesday on the square in Belton.

Please join us on the Courthouse steps in downtown Belton on Tuesday, December 5, at 5:00 p.m. to support Hugh in his announcement for reelection for District 55 in the State House of Representatives.

Hugh has been a tireless and faithful advocate for Bell County and its citizens. His experience and seniority in the House have aided many people and causes.

Hugh passed the largest border security funding plan in Texas that added more law enforcement on the border and also passed a bill to crack down on drug and human trafficking.

As a retired Colonel with the Army National Guard, he is a staunch military supporter and has worked tirelessly on property tax reforms, economic development, and education initiatives.

Please come out and show your support for Hugh D. Shine. See y’all on Tuesday!


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